
discovering tumblr

Image from Fuck your Nogichi Coffee Table Tumblr thread.

I've shared my Ryan Gosling fascination with you all... he has a million tumblr threads dedicated to him alone. Here's another Tumblr that has caught my eye - all about interiors. Ironic that the name suggests a counter culture, something new & different - but the images reflect the same (beautiful) interiors I see all over. Still, props for F-bombing the name of your thread. Is that an SEO strategy?


The Rules of a Gentleman


he did it - AGAIN

Just watch. He does it again. The thing is, I think he's even BETTER, DEEPER (if you will) then the average cheesy romcom. Who's seen Drive yet? Yes, saying.... step aside Brad... we've got company. And, come see me if you've got the moves. I can help work out kinks...